Additional iron tsuba
 of collector interest

Additional Iron Tsuba
of Collector Interest

Saotome — 'Kuku' mon, 64 petals.
Ubu example — Late Edo Period

H/W 9 x 8.6 cm Rim 5.5 mm

A very well-crafted example of the popular chrysanthemum design found in later Edo period work and credited to the Saotome school. The workmanship exhibits carefully scalloped ‘petal edges’ on the rim, further defining the floral image the design is intended to represent, and in its simplicity, conveys what many viewers conceive as a model representation of the Japanese iron tsuba.

Saotome 'Kuku' mon 100 petals. Late Edo Period

H/W 8 x 7.8 cm Rim 5 mm

Equally fine crafted chrysanthemum design with petals individually attached to the mimi. The iron color and patina are particularly good, forming a well-balanced and striking appearance when mounted on the sword. This 'Kuku-mon' tsuba exhibits hitsu-ana for both Kogai and Kazuka which are well shaped and placed; not detracting from the overall design.

Bamen Tsunemasa Twin arrow sukashi
Late Edo Period

H/W 7.85 x 7.43 cm — Rim 4.8 mm
*NTHK Certification

The sukashi on this iron plate consists of two narrow shafts with fletching and no arrow heads. Additionally, the hitsuana with quatrefoil shaped shakudo inserts surround the nakago-ana. It is a signed example and I acquired it some years ago as it represented the weapon of the samurai warrior prior to the transition of battle tactics and the emergence of the sword. Also, it was a time when I was still able to fully draw my own longbow. . . .

*Collectors Note: The tsuba appearing in this section are early purchases going back to the onset of my collecting, remaining and attaining significance as meaningful if not important examples in the continuity of styling and design as iron tsuba changed overtime. Although more than a century later than the 'Sekgoku' period, their production remained functional, as well as decorative and have stood the test of time; not giving way to ornamental superficiality.

— Robert E. Hunt